Capacity Building training for Corruption Prevention Committees and integrity Assurance Officers

Capacity Building training for Corruption Prevention Committees and integrity Assurance Officers

Capacity Building training for Corruption Prevention Committees and integrity Assurance Officers

The College of Health Sciences (CHS) held a Capacity Building training for Corruption Prevention Committees and Integrity Assurance Officers on Monday, 8th April, 2019.

The workshop which was organized by the University of Nairobi in liason with the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) was held in the School of Medicine Boardroom.

The event was graced by Prof. Stephen Kiama, the acting DVC Human Resource and Administration.

Prof. Kiama noted that the University had taken bold steps in the fight against corruption which include; setting up a Central Corruption Prevention Committee chaired by the Vice – Chancellor, establishment of corruption reporting hotlines, distribution of copies of corruption prevention manuals, formulation of Whistleblower policy to ensure that they are protected, coming up with a Gift Records Registers among others.

“We have trained 50 integrity officers to help to sensitize the University members on corruption reporting and prevention,” Prof. Kiama said.

He said manual operations have been greatly reduced with the development of such systems like Student Management Information System (SMIS), Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS), Electronic Procurement Information System (EPMIS) and many more applications to ensure that UoN reduces any interference with the systems to avoid corruption.

“We also ensure that the staff fill the assets and liabilities forms after every 2 years and we continue to comply with government policies,” Prof. Kiama said.

The main facilitators of the training were officers from EACC and UoN Legal Department.