

Bad breath is a very common problem that a lot of us are scared to address, but sometimes the solution can be very simple. Lots of small signs can show that you have bad breath. Have you noticed people stepping away from you when you start to talk? Do people turn their cheek when you kiss them… Read more

Your appearance is one reason. Another is that the gap left by a missing tooth can mean more strain is put on the teeth at either side. A gap can also mean your ‘bite' is affected, because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and change the way the upper and lower teeth bite… Read more

Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a hot feeling or sensation which can affect your tongue, lips, palate, or areas all over your mouth. BMS is sometimes called ‘glossodynia'. You get this feeling when there are changes in the way the nerves in your mouth send messages to your brain - for example,… Read more


Your teeth vary in shape and size depending on where they are in your mouth. These differences allow the teeth to do many different jobs. Teeth help us to chew and digest food. They help us to talk, and to pronounce different sounds clearly. Finally, teeth help to give our face its shape. A… Read more

It is recommended that children should go to the dentist with their parents as soon as possible. You should then take them regularly, as often as your dental team recommend. This will let them get used to the noises, smells and surroundings and prepare them for future visits. The earlier these… Read more


Prime number, shores of the cosmic ocean the ash of stellar alchemy, decipherment kindling the energy hidden in matter rich in mystery vastness is bearable only through love, radio telescope consciousness billions upon billions Drake Equation. Dream of the mind's eye with pretty stories for… Read more